Select a category below to learn more about the ecological role of these growth forms and browse species included in the atlas. To see a list of all species occurring in Denali, organized by growth form, download a full species list.
The tallest and perhaps the most robust growth form, trees can live for hundreds of years. In Denali, they occupy many landscapes below 3000 ft.
Shrubs & Dwarf Shrubs
Ranging from 1 inch to 8 feet tall, woody plants in Denali cannot be missed. Shrub composition plays an important part in wildlife movements.
Forbs are a diverse group of non-woody plants, and include many of the showy wildflowers that color the landscape.
Ferns & Fern Allies
Vascular plants that reproduce by spores instead of flowers form this group of interesting and unique species.
Grasses, Sedges & Rushes
Graminoids (grasses, sedges, and rushes) are grass-like plants that often grow in meadows or other open habitats.
Mosses & Liverworts
Some of the smallest, yet ubiquitous species are the mosses and liverworts. They can be found in nearly all of Denali’s habitats.
Lichens are not truly plants, but rather a product of a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and an algae and/or cyanobacteria.