Plant Association Information
Salix brachycarpa, Dryas octopetala, Salix reticulata, Cassiope tetragona, feathermoss
Click on the headings below to view details about this plant association.The shrub layer if it exists in this type is occasionally composed of the following species: Salix glauca (1 meter height, 1% cover), Salix brachycarpa ssp. niphoclada (0.3 meters height, 30% cover), and Salix barrattiana (0.2 meters height, 5% cover). The major species of the herbaceous layer are Salix arctica (10% cover), Salix reticulata (25% cover), Anemone parviflora (5% cover), Festuca rubra (10% cover), Dryas octopetala (30% cover), Silene acaulis (3% cover), Poa alpina (6% cover), Epilobium latifolium (4% cover), Trisetum spicatum (6% cover) and Saxifraga hieracifolia. Occasional associates in the herbaceous layer are Cassiope tetragona (10% cover), Androsace chamaejasme ssp. lehmanniana (5% cover), Aster alpinus (3% cover) and Cnidium cnidifolium (5% cover). The major species of the nonvascular layer are Hylocomium splendens (5% cover), Rhacomitrium canescens (5% cover), Aulacomium palustre (5% cover), Distichium capillaceum (3% cover), Polytrichium species (2% cover), Peltigera aphthosa var. leucophlebia (2% cover), Cetraria islandica (1% cover), Stereocaulon species (2% cover), Thamnolia vermicularis (2% cover) and Dactylina ramulosa. Other nonvascular species that occur frequently in this type are Pertusaria species, Peltigera canina var. rufescens, Lobaria linita, Cladonia chlorophaea, Rhytidium rugosum and Cetraria cucullata.
This plant association is found at an average altitude of 1,265 meters with a 28% slope and average aspect of 205 degrees. The range in elevation is 1,052 to 1,654 meters, the range in slope is 2% to 50%, and the range in aspect is 056 to 326 degrees. The bedrock geology in 88% of the plots is sedimentary/metasedimentary, in 6% of the plots is volcanic and in 6% of the plots is granitic. The surficial geology in 76% of the plots is bedrock, in 12% of the plots is glacial moraines and in 12% of the plots is alluvial deposits. The ground surface of this type is 35% unvegetated weathered rock and mineral soil.
Associated Plant Species: Carex aquatilis, Comarum palustre, Oxycoccus microcarpus, Sphagnum spp.