Plant Association Information
Vaccinium uliginosum/Dwarf shrub plant association (Bog blueberry/Dwarf shrub)
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Vaccinium uliginosum is the dominant species ranging from 30% to 80% and its height is typically less than 20 centimeters tall (Appendix 4). Other common dwarf shrub species include Cornus suecica, Arctostaphylos rubra, Empetrum nigrum and Betula nana. Herbaceous species are uncommon and includes Carex microchaeta and Calamagrostis canadensis. Lichen and moss cover are typically less than 20% and 60%, respectively.
This is a common association of alpine and subalpine areas that forms small patches within a mosaic of other dwarf shrub or low shrub associations. It typically occurs on well-drained colluvial slopes, including moraines. The soil is a thin organic mat over mineral soil. Sorted circles are common, and the slope varies from 0% to 20%.
Associated Plant Species: Arctostaphylos rubra,
Betula nana,
Calamagrostis canadensis,
Carex microchaeta,
Cornus suecica,
Empetrum nigrum,
Vaccinium uliginosum