Plant Association Information
Salix polaris plant association (Polar willow plant)
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The association is dominated by Salix polaris (20% cover), Cassiope tetragona (15% cover) and Dryas octopetala (10% cover, Appendix 4). Over 40% moss cover occurs dominated by Hylocomium splendens. A variety of forbs and graminoids occur in trace amounts including Arnica lessingii, Geum rossii, Petasites frigidus and Saxifraga reflexa.
This association occurs in alpine areas and forms small patches within a mosaic of other dwarf shrub associations. The one site sampled had soil with a 5-centimeter thick organic mat over gravel and sand on a well-drained colluvial slope.
Associated Plant Species: Arnica lessingii,
Cassiope tetragona,
Dryas octopetala,
Geum rossii,
Hylocomium splendens,
Micranthes reflexa,
Petasites frigidus,
Salix polaris