Plant Association Information
Betula nana/Eriophorum brachyantherum plant association (Dwarf arctic birch/ Eriophorum brachyantherum)
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Eriophorum brachyantherum (60% to 80% cover) is the dominant species in this type. Carex bigelowii (0-30% cover) is commonly a strong codominant in the herbaceous layer. Betula nana or Betula glandulosa, often in combination with Salix planifolia, Vaccinium uliginosum and Vaccinium vitis-idaea, make up the shrub layer. Other species include Empetrum nigrum, Ledum groenlandicum and Equisetum sylvaticum.
Eriophorum brachyantherum and other herbaceous species form tussocks that typically dominate the sites. The sites are moist on level to moderate (10%) slopes. The soils are organic often over permafrost.
Associated Plant Species: Betula nana,
Carex bigelowii,
Empetrum nigrum,
Equisetum sylvaticum,
Eriophorum brachyantherum,
Rhododendron groenlandicum,
Salix pulchra,
Vaccinium uliginosum,
Vaccinium vitis-idaea