Plant Association Information
Betula nana/Carex aquatilis plant association (Dwarf arctic birch/Water sedge)
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Betula nana (30% cover) is the dominant shrub, and Carex aquatilis (50% cover) dominates the understory (Appendix 4). Other species include Andromeda polifolia, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Larix laricina, Picea mariana and Carex limosa. Sphagnum species (90% cover) dominate the bryophyte layer.
The one site sampled occurred on a low elevation (273 meters) peatland bordering a lake in the northwest corner of the park. The soil was organic and the water at the soil surface.
Associated Plant Species: Andromeda polifolia,
Betula nana,
Carex aquatilis,
Larix laricina,
Picea mariana,
Sphagnum spp.