Plant Association Information
Vaccinium uliginosum/low shrub plant association (Bog blueberry/low shrub)
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Vaccinium uliginosum (75% to 90% cover) is the dominant species. Other species are uncommon although Betula nana, Calamagrostis canadensis and Epilobium angustifolium may be present (Appendix 4). This plant association is distinct from the Vaccinium uliginosum/dwarf shrub plant association in both species composition and that its average height exceeds 20 centimeters.
This association occurs as small patches in the subalpine and boreal forest of the park. It occupies well-drained colluvial slopes, bedrock outcrops and glacial drift.
Associated Plant Species: Betula nana,
Calamagrostis canadensis,
Chamerion angustifolium,
Vaccinium uliginosum