Plant Association Information
Salix planifolia /Carex bigelowii plant association (Diamondleaf willow /Carex bigelowii)
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Salix planifolia (70% cover) is the only shrub species in the overstory and averages 0.6 meters in height (Appendix 4). Carex bigelowii (40% cover) is the dominant herbaceous species. Other vascular species include Salix reticulata, Cassiope tetragona and Petasites frigidus. Hylocomium splendens is the dominant moss.
The one site sampled occurred adjacent to a mountain stream on a 10% slope. The association within the park likely occurs as small stringers along mountain streams at higher elevations.
Associated Plant Species: Carex bigelowii,
Cassiope tetragona,
Hylocomium splendens,
Petasites frigidus,
Salix pulchra,
Salix reticulata