Plant Association Information
Salix barclayi/Calamagrostis canadensis plant association (Barclay willow/Bluejoint)
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In the Salix barclayi/Calamagrostis canadensis plant association, Salix barclayi is the only tall shrub (50% cover; 1.8 meters tall) and Calamagrostis canadensis (80% cover, 1.5 meters tall on average) dominates the understory (Appendix 4). Athyrium filix-femina and Equisetum arvense are common herbaceous associates. Few other shrub or herbaceous species occur.
The one site sampled occurred south of the Alaska Range at 231 meters elevation, on the drier portions of a broad floodplain that had heavy beaver activity.
Associated Plant Species: Calamagrostis canadensis,
Equisetum arvense,
Salix barclayi