Plant Association Information
Salix alaxensis, Salix planifolia, Sanguisorba officinalis, Petasites hyperboreus, Delphinium glaucum
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This shrub community has an overstory dominated by 2 meters Salix alaxensis (30% cover) while the major species of the understory are Salix planifolia ssp. pulchra var. pulchra (30% cover) and Sanquisorba officinalis (10% cover). The major species of the herbaceous layer are Petasites hyperboreus (30% cover), Delphinium glaucum (25% cover), Calamagrostis inexpansa (5% cover), Festuca species (8% cover), Mertensia paniculata (8% cover) and Rubus arcticus (5% cover).
This type has a ground surface which was 25% unvegetated and covered with humus. The bedrock geology is sedimentary, and the surficial geology is alluvial/colluvial deposits. It is the lower half of a slope community found at an altitude of 519 meters. There is zero range in elevation. This type is found in the Tanana-Kuskokwim lowland section (Talkeetna quadrangle).
Associated Plant Species: Delphinium glaucum,
Mertensia paniculata,
Petasites frigidus,
Rubus arcticus,
Salix alaxensis,
Salix pulchra,
Sanguisorba officinalis