Plant Association Information
Alnus crispa, Salix alaxensis, Calamagrostis inexpansa, Rubus arcticus, feathermoss
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This tall shrub plant association is characterized by the dominance of Salix alaxensis in the shrub overstory of height 11 meters. Alnus crispa is dominant in the understory. The oldest age is 54 years for Salix alaxensis and 42 years for Alnus crispa. The average cover values for Salix alaxensis and Alnus crispa were 50% and 60% respectively. The major species of the herbaceous layer are Calamagrostis inexpansa (50% cover), Arabis lyrata ssp. kamchatica (6% cover), Rubus arcticus (35% cover), Artemisia tilesii ssp. elatior (35% cover), Oxyria digyna (35% cover), and Galium boreale (25% cover). The major species of the nonvascular layer are Hylocomium splendens (35% cover), Polytrichium juniperum (25% cover), Polytrichium strictum (10% cover), Mnium thomsonii (5% cover), Peltigera polydactyla (8% cover), Peltigera canina var. rufescens (8% cover) and Sphagnum species (1% cover).
This type is found at 460 meters mean elevation on alluvial deposits. There is zero range in elevation. The ground surface is 30% unvegetated covered with humus, and the type is located in stream valleys.
Associated Plant Species: Alnus viridis,
Arabis kamchatica,
Artemisia tilesii,
Galium boreale,
Hylocomium splendens,
Oxyria digyna,
Polytrichum juniperinum,
Polytrichum strictum,
Rubus arcticus,
Salix alaxensis,
Sphagnum spp.