Plant Association Information
Populus balsamifera, Salix alaxensis, Salix glauca, Shepherdia canadensis, Senecio lugens
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The overstory of this community is Populus balsamifera with a closure of 25%. The age of this community is 62 years and Populus balsamifera regeneration is evident. The major species of the shrub layer are Salix species. Salix alaxensis has a cover value of 30%. Salix arbusculoides, Salix glauca, and Salix barclayi have cumulative cover of 60%. Shpherdia canadensis (15% cover) and Betula nana (5% cover) are common associates. The major species in the herbaceous layer are Senecio lugens (60% cover), Solidago multiradiata (15% cover), Delphinium glaucum (20% cover), Aster sibiricus (30% cover), Hedysarum alpinum (10% cover), Pedicularis verticillata (5% cover), Elymus innovatus (5% cover), Festuca altaica (5% cover), Epilobium latifolium (5% cover) and Poa glauca (5% cover). The nonvascular layer has a 10% cover value with major species being Hylocomium splendens and Stereocaulon species.
The soils of this type are sandy, and 40% of the ground surface is unvegetated. The altitude is 649 meters, and the type is found on alluvial deposits. This type is a younger gravel bar successional type than M1. There is a higher percentage of unvegetated mineral soil and decaying wood in the plots of this type.
Associated Plant Species: Betula nana,
Chamerion latifolium,
Delphinium glaucum,
Eurybia sibirica,
Festuca altaica,
Hedysarum alpinum,
Hylocomium splendens,
Leymus innovatus,
Pedicularis verticillata,
Poa glauca,
Populus balsamifera,
Salix alaxensis,
Salix arbusculoides,
Salix barclayi,
Salix glauca,
Senecio lugens,
Shepherdia canadensis,
Solidago multiradiata