Plant Association Information
Populus balsamifera, Picea glauca, Salix alaxensis, Alnus crispa, Salix planifolia, Empetrum nigrum, Epilobium angustifolium, Hylocomium splendens
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The overstory of this type has a closure of 45% that is predominantly Populus balsamifera. Picea glauca occurs in the understory. The seedlings are predominantly Picea glauca. The average age of this type is 99 years with the Populus balsamifera being the oldest trees. Salix alaxensis (30% cover) and Alnus crispa (30% cover) are important to the understory. The shrub layer also contains Salix planifolia ssp. pulchra (30% cover), Salix barclayi (20% cover), Salix glauca (20% cover) and Potentilla fruticosa (25% cover). Rosa acicularis, Juniperus communis, Shepherdia canadensis, and Vaccinium uliginosum are occasional associates. The major species of the herbaceous layer are Empetrum nigrum (50% cover), Aster sibiricus (35% cover), Dryas integrifolia (35% cover), Epilobium angustifolium (35% cover), Rubus arcticus (25% cover), Arctostaphylos rubra (25% cover), Carex species (C. podocarpa or C. scirpoidea, 20% cover), Hedysarum alpinum (20% cover), Salix arctica (20% cover), Equisetum species (20% cover), Parnassia palustris (10% cover) and Festuca rubra (8% cover). Occasional associates are Hierochloe odorata, Calamagrostis inexpansa, Linnaea borealis and Arctagrostis latifolia. Major species of the nonvascular layer are Hylocomium splendens (60% cover), Sphagnum species (10% cover), Ceratodon purpureus, Drepanocladus uncinatus and Aulacomium palustre.
This type is found at an average altitude of 664 meters with a 12% slope at an aspect of 68 degrees. The range in elevation is 485 to 914 meters, and the range in slope is 0% to 39%. This is an older successional type than M7 being found on more stable riverbanks. The higher cover values and more species in the understory are evidence of this comparison to M7. This type is found in the northern foothills.
Associated Plant Species: Alnus viridis,
Arctagrostis latifolia,
Arctostaphylos rubra,
Aulocomnium palustre,
Carex podocarpa,
Carex scirpoidea,
Chamerion angustifolium,
Dasiphora fruticosa,
Dryas integrifolia,
Empetrum nigrum,
Eurybia sibirica,
Festuca rubra,
Hedysarum alpinum,
Hylocomium splendens,
Juniperus communis,
Linnaea borealis,
Parnassia palustris,
Picea glauca,
Populus balsamifera,
Rosa acicularis,
Rubus arcticus,
Salix alaxensis,
Salix arctica,
Salix barclayi,
Salix glauca,
Salix pulchra,
Shepherdia canadensis,
Sphagnum spp.,
Vaccinium uliginosum