Plant Association Information
Picea mariana/Carex bigelowii plant association (Black spruce/Bigelow sedge)
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Picea mariana (80% cover and 1.2 meters tall) is the only tree species in the association, and the tussocky understory is dominated by Carex bigelowii (60% cover) (Appendix 4). In the low shrub strata, both Ledum groenlandicum and Vaccinium uliginosum have a strong presence with 20% and 30% cover, respectively. In the dwarf shrub strata Vaccinium vitis-idaea has 10% total cover. The moss layer has a total cover of 40% and is codominated by Hylocomium splendens and Sphagnum species. Trace amounts of forbs occur.
This association occurs in the subalpine zone and the higher elevation boreal forests of the park. The one site sampled is located on a colluvial slope with a 10-degree slope facing northwest. Soil on this site is mesic and tussock formation is common.
Associated Plant Species: Carex bigelowii,
Hylocomium splendens,
Picea mariana,
Rhododendron groenlandicum,
Sphagnum spp.,
Vaccinium uliginosum,
Vaccinium vitis-idaea