Most Abundant Species

Denali National Park and Preserve is home to nearly 2000 species of vascular and nonvascular plants!  These species are the foundation of the Park’s many diverse ecosystems.  Located in the northern boreal forest biome, the landscape can be divided into three elevational zones: lowlands, subalpine, and alpine - each with a unique set of species that thrive there. Select from the list of the most abundant species in each zone below or:browse abundant species button


Lowlands (below 650 m/2,133 ft)

[caption id="attachment_1944" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]lowlands view NPS Photo / Kent Miller[/caption]

This zone is predominantly forested; with black spruce forests and woodlands in areas underlain by permafrost, and white spruce and paper birch forests in well-drained uplands. Abundant species include:

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Subalpine (between 650 - 950m/2,132 - 3,117 ft)

[caption id="attachment_1945" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]subalpine view NPS Photo / Tim Rains[/caption]

This zone is a mosaic of scrub vegetation, spruce woodland, and meadows. Abundant species include:

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Alpine (above 950m/3,117 ft)

[caption id="attachment_1946" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]alpine view NPS Photo / Tim Rains[/caption] This zone reaches the upper growth limit for plants yet still harbors the highest plant diversity in Denali. The alpine zone contains high numbers of endemic and rare species. Abundant species include: [ezcol_1half] [/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end] [/ezcol_1half_end]

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