DenaliFlora App References

Photo Attributions

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Photos by Alfred Cook available under Creative Commons license Attribution:

Photos by Barry Breckling available under Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike:

Photos by Dave available under Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike:

Photos by Dean Wm. Taylor available under Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike:

Photos by Erlend Bjørtvedt available under Creative Commons license Attribution-ShareAlike:

Photos by Gerald and Buff Corsi © California Academy of Sciences used by notification of authors at

Photos by Hedwig Storch available under Creative Commons license Attribution-ShareAlike:

Photos by Hermann Schachner in the public domain:

Photos by Jason Hollinger available under Creative Commons license Attribution:

Photos by Jean Pawek available for re-use by attribution of photographer:

Photos by Johann N available under Creative Commons license Attribution-ShareAlike:

Photos by Jorg Fleige available under Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial:

Photos by Jörgen Grahn available under Creative Commons license Attribution-ShareAlike:

Photos by Joshua Mayer available under Creative Commons license Attribution-ShareAlike:

Photos by Kari Pihlaviita available under Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial:

Photos by Keir Morse available under Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike:

Photos by Knut in the public domain:

Photos by Kristian Peters available under Creative Commons license Attribution-ShareAlike:

Photos by Matt Lavin available under Creative Commons license Attribution-ShareAlike:

Photos by Robert Sivinski available under Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial:

Photos by Steve Matson available under Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial:

Photos by Tab Tannery available under Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike:

Photos by Vernon Smith available under Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs:

Illustration Attributions

The line drawings for leaf characters (except where otherwise cited) were taken from the University of Florida/IFAS Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants. Used with permission.

Illustrations for clubmoss and horsetail characters

Accessed through the USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database, originally from:

Britton, NL, and A Brown. 1913. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British Possessions. 3 vols. Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. Vol. 1: 39.

Adapted illustrations, by author

Most other images for the characters in the random access key “Denali Plant Species Key” were adapted from various botanical illustrations. All illustrations were produced prior to 1923, and are thus in the public domain.

To find a particular illustration, please locate the illustrator name cited with the image.

Bauer, F in Lambert, AB, Description of the genus Pinus and some other remarkable plants, 2nd ed., vol. 1: t. 37 (1890)

Bigelow, EG in Dame, L.L., Brooks, H., Handbook of the trees of New England, (1902)

Bortzells, A in Lindman, CAM, Bilder ur Nordens Flora (1922-1926)

Buchenau, F in Engler, HGA, Das Pflanzenreich, Juncaceae, vol. 36: [Heft 25], p. 153, fig. 78 A-L (1906)

Houtte, L van, Flore des jardin de l’Europe, vol. 21: t. 0 (1845)

Irmscher, E in Engler, HGA, Das Pflanzenreich, Saxifragaceae – Saxifraga I, vol. 117: [Heft 67], p. 169, fig. 43 a-f (1916)

Faxon, CE in Sargent, CS, The Silva of North America, vol. 9: t. 454 (1898)

Fitch, WH in Journal of botany, British and foreign [B Seemann], vol. 5: t. 69 (1867)

Fitch, WH in Hooker, JD, The botany of the Antarctic voyage of HM discovery ships Erebus and Terror in the Years 1839-1843, under the command of Captain Sir James Clark Ross, vol. 2(1): t. 9 (1853)

Flora Batava [J Kops et al.](1832) [Multiple artists]

Flora Danica [GC Oeder et al], (1761-1883) [Multiple artists]

Hart, M in Botanical Register, vol. 13: t. 1124 (1827)

Kükenthal, G in Engler, HGA, Das Pflanzenreich, vol. 20: [Heft 38], p. 540, fig. 87 A-E (1900-1968)

Loddiges, C in The Botanical Cabinet, vol. 16: t. 1525 (1829)

Losch, F, Kräuterbuch, unsere Heilpflanzen in Wort und Bild, 2nd Ed., t. 3, fig. 2 (1905)

Medical Botany, Woodville, W, Hooker, WJ, Spratt, G [multiple artists]

Millspaugh, CF, Medicinal plants, vol. 2: t. 163 (1892).

Müller, W in Köhler, FE, Medizinal Pflanzen, vol. 1: t. 82 (1887).

Mutis, JC, Drawings of the Royal Botanical Expedition to the new Kingdom of Granada, t. 111 (1783-1816)

Pax, F & R Knuth in Engler, HGA, Das Pflanzenreich, Primulaceae, vol. 237: [Heft 22], p. 170, fig. 42 A,B (1905).

Nakai, T, Trees and shrubs indigenous in Japan proper, vol. 1: p. 448, fig. 232 (1935-1951)

Seboth, J in Seboth, J, Graf, F, Die Alpenpflanzen nach der Natur gemalt, vol. 1: t. 45 (1839)

Sowerby, H in Hamilton, E, Flora homoeopathica, vol. 2: t. 40 (1853)

Sowerby, JE in English Botany, or Coloured Figures of British Plants, ed. 3 [B], vol. 3: t. 462 (1864)

Sturm, J, Krause, EHL, Lutz, KG, Flora von Deutschland in Abbildungen nach der Natur. (1900-1907)

Svensk botanik [JW Palmstruch et al], vol. 7: t. 475 (1812) [Multiple artists]

Walcott, MV, North American wild flowers (1925-1927)

Wendel, AJ in Witte, H, Flora: Afbeeldingen en beschrijvingen van boomen, heesters, éénjarige planten, enz., voorkomende in de Nederlandsche tuinen, p. 209, t. 53 (1868)

Zorn, J, Oskamp, DL, Afbeeldingen der artseny-gewassen met derzelver Nederduitsche en Latynsche beschryvingen, vol. 6: t. 582 (1800)