Credits & Acknowledgements

The Ecological Atlas of Central Alaska’s Flora is a project of the Denali National Park and Preserve Botany Program and was created by Carl Roland and Sarah Stehn. Several individuals and organizations have contributed greatly to the project over many years. Below is a listing of people who have made significant contributions:

  • Atlas Authors: Carl Roland, Sarah Stehn
  • Atlas Database design: Sarah Stehn
  • Introductory page text and layout:Amanda Bertino, Sarah Stehn
  • Written species accounts: Celia Hampton-Miller, Eric Groth, Carl Roland, Mary Beth Cook, Erica Fraley
  • Species photographs: Carl Roland, Jacob Frank, Adolph Murie, Mary Beth Cook, Alaska Natural Heritage Program (Justin Fulkerson), Mike Duffy, Eric Groth, Celia Hampton-Miller, Martha Raynolds, Les Viereck, Sarah Stehn, Janelle Eklund, Peter Nelson
  • Photo scanning and editing: Eric Groth, Celia Hampton-Miller, Halley Trodden
  • Vegetation Database design and programming assistance: Angie Southwould and Doug Wilder
  • Vegetation Database routines and R-Programming assistance: Ed Debevec
  • Statistical analysis and probability of occurrence modelling: Jay Ver Hoef
  • GIS analysis assistance, SQL server magic: Regan Sarwas and Nick Bywater
  • Species occurrence data graphs and map production: Brian Houseman, Sierra McLane, Sarah Stehn

National Park Service

Alaska Geographic

This project was funded by Denali National Park and Preserve and the Central Alaska Inventory and Monitoring Network. Public availability of the Ecological Atlas of Denali’s Flora through this website has been made possible by the support of Alaska Geographic. Website design was provided by ITS Alaska. Website Hosting coordinated by Ed Debevec.

Photo and Data Usage

Photos and data graphics displayed on this website are approved for educational use. To use them in other educational products, credit them the same way as they are credited on the website. Photos credited to an individuals name, or to the NPS without a copyright symbol are public domain. Some photo credits contain links to their own licensing information.

To use an array of photos, data graphics, or a summary of written content, please cite the website as a whole. See also References Consulted, for more information on our sources.

Suggested Citation:

Roland, C., Stehn, S. , Hampton-Miller, C., and Groth, E. 2016. Ecological Atlas of Denali’s Flora. National Park Service, Central Alaska Network Botany Program, Fairbanks, Alaska. Available at: [insert date accessed].

For more info, questions, or comments, please contact us:

By Email:

denali_info (at) nps (dot) gov (ask for vegetation program staff)

By Phone:

(907) 683-2294 (park switchboard, ask for vegetation program staff)

By Mail:

Denali National Park and Preserve
Resources Division – Vegetation Management
P.O. Box 9
Denali National Park, AK 99755

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